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lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Opinion Paragraph

Work's start time in Chile, an unequal equality.

In Chile, the start time of work is not related to where you live or what you do, it's just an order, no doubt, from employers. Employees across the country need to work to have a better life and give a better life to their own family, but since they need their work, sometimes they need to get up very early and go home very late at night. So, Should we need to get to our workplace at the same time? I think not, for these few reasons.

In my opinion, the rush hour, as we named to the time of greater traffic, is just a fault of the planning and people who without thinking in others wants to get rich taking advantage their own status of chief. People who need to cross their cities to arrive on time to thier jobs on the public transportation as people who travel on their own car do not have excuses to arrive just a few minutes late, even if their travel was for long hours. In some times their chiefs just say, "You need to get up earlier than today", this is unvelibable if we think in people who get up even before 5 a.m. Additionally, why educational hour starts at 8:00 a.m. and not at 9:00 a.m.? We would continue having rush hour if we would move the start of classes at 9:00 a.m.? I'm a dreamer or visioner or nobody have think before in this things in our goverment? Of course not, it is just this manner of the system suits to greater companies, because in rush hours they focus almost to the totality of the people in the country, so they can sell more products, more material things, and realize their own richness.

In my own experience, I worked very far from my home for a few months, in that work I have to wake up at around 4:30 a.m. just because if I don't get the 5:15 bus I would probably arrived late to my workplace, passing the 8 o'clock. I was returning to my home around 9:00 p.m. so I didn't have a life during that period, I was tired, I felt ill because of the tiredness, and at the time of my arriving I just needed eat something and sleep. I was fired, in deed, because of my repetitive delays and the person who was my chief just told me, "You never did any effort to get on time". After that I thought, "what could I've done for get early, which I didn't do before?
Maybe if we use our brain, and I said "we" as a part of the problem, we could make a better place to live and make a better environment to be better human beings and have more gratifficant moments instead of stay working for live with no rest. 

Employers all over the country need to stop and think about this problem and don't just thinking about make money, make a real change in daily scheduling and using the information of their workers for making adjustments in the start working hour not jus for their the workers, but for themselves too and the other people that need to move in the city in the "rush hour".
Finally, I invite you to take my words and evaluate the possibility to apply them in you daily life for making your life better everyday. And let me say goodbye with my initial question, Should we need to get to our workplace at the same time not counting how far we live from it?

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Fairy Tale

Chapter I

In a dark village, located in the south of Chile, there was a king that was only seen by night. Rumors about the king said he slept within days and he fed at nights. One strange night of April, Samuel, knows as "the drunk of the village", saw a big alligator crowling on the walls of the king's castle and fastly, he preded the rumor that the king could change himself into animals to go out and eat peopple. Later in the same night, a young lady disappeared forever near the king's castle and Samuel got the chance to tell everybody that the king had eaten that poor lady. Villagers carrying shovels, torches, and knifes went to the king's castle the next morning, to make justice by themselves. After they arrived to the gates of king's castle, the king came out and said, "calm down! I am going to  explain to you in detail where I was and what I did last night". At the end of king's speech, all the villagers felt embarrased and looked madly for Samuel, but they  weren't successful. Samuel was gone and dissapeared into the village.

Chapter II

In the next three days, nothing strange happened in the village until Samuel showed himself in the main square and said, "Last night, I saw a bat descending to one of windows of the king's castle, so I ensure you that something bad  is going to occur tonight." In the evening, as the sun came down, the villagers were worried about the Samuel's words and took care of its.Surprinsingly, when the next day was starting the baker's wife screamed, "My boy, where is my little boy!" All villagers heared the loud and went to the baker's house to see whats was going on there. A few minutes after, Samuel arrived and exclaimed, "It was the king's work!" When the sun came down, all the villagers went to the king's castle again. 
They knock the door like crazy men until the king came out again and said, "Calm down my dear villagers" while he walked through the people, "I was sleeping last night, in my bed,  and I have proofs of it." 
When the king had proved his inocense he said, "because of all these events I hired a private detective," at the time he was letting out a man from the castle. In that vey moment Samuel ran away quietly and no one was able to see him. The king invited the man to speak saying, "well Mr. Homes, tell us whatever you had discovered." Then the man said, "Dear people, it is quite sure there is a murderer in the village, but that murderer is not the king." "I was looking carefully at everybody in the village since a month ago," continued Mr. Holmes. At the end of the Mr. Holmes's speechhe said, "The murderer was and is Samuel! And the reason you can't find him after every event, is because he has a secret basement under his house, also in that basement you will be able to find the dead bodies of the young lady and the little boy, the baker's son" The villagers finally found Samuel under is house and he was taken out and sentenced to the killer whale for all his sins.


viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

My lovely mother

My mother is a lovely woman and a really good person. She is short, about 1.55 metros tall. She has a long black stright hair. She can coock almost every kind of food, but she doesn't like cook any sea product, because of the smell. In professional speaking, she is a social asistant in Pudahuel and she loves his career.
She loves to help people in troubles or social risk. She visit a lot of elementary schools to find children that need some help.
Thats why my mother grants the nickname of "lovely"